Strategi Layanan Online Melalui Media Sosial (Studi Pada Toko Raja Grosir Collection Di Kelurahan Manggemaci Kecamatan Mpunda Kota Bima)


  • Junaidin Junaidin Universitas Mbojo Bima
  • Salahuddin Salahuddin Universitas Mbojo Bima
  • Irham Irham Universitas Mbojo Bima



Strategy, Facebook, media promotion


Promotional services through social media are carried out by traders who sell online at Toko Raja Grosir by posting their selling items several times a day. Posting activities are carried out using a smartphone camera by taking several products from different and interesting angles so that they attract the eyes of customers. If there are buyers who want to know how much the goods cost, they can directly ask through the inbox (inbox). The purpose of this study was to determine the online service strategy through social media as a promotional medium at the Raja Grosir Collection store. This research was conducted through a qualitative approach, especially looking at the context of services through the social media Facebook. Data collection techniques were taken from observation, interviews and documentation. The aim is to find out the promotion strategy of online traders using Facebook by collecting data on selected sources. The results of the study show that the strategy of online traders at wholesale king shops greatly facilitates sellers. If you do good communication and promotion, it will help in increasing the number of sales. Judging from the mapping of findings using marketing mix theory including product (product), price (price), place (place), promotion (promotion). Products sold at Toko Raja Grosir are household items such as plates, spoons, glasses, stoves and others, while additional products include snacks, prayer clothes, adult clothing and others. Prices for the products sold range from Rp. 15,000-Rp. 800,000 and profits for each product are around Rp. 10,000-Rp. 15,000. This very strategic place also makes it easy for potential customers who want to come directly to the Raja Grocery store. Promotion carried out by Toko Raja Grosir through social media Facebook and has been using for about 4 years. And the promotion mix consists of advertising (advertising) on Facebook social media by using the services of a BA (Brand Ambassador) for advertising. Personal selling (personal selling) communication and the best possible service to consumers. Sales promotions (sales promotion) provide discounts or bonuses to consumers.


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How to Cite

Junaidin Junaidin, Salahuddin Salahuddin, & Irham Irham. (2023). Strategi Layanan Online Melalui Media Sosial (Studi Pada Toko Raja Grosir Collection Di Kelurahan Manggemaci Kecamatan Mpunda Kota Bima). Media Informasi Penelitian Kabupaten Semarang, 5(1), 48–58.

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