Pengaruh Relokasi dan Lama Usaha Terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan Pedagang Pasar Angso Duo Kota Jambi


  • M.Firmansyah UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
  • Habriyanto Habriyanto UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin
  • Ahmad Syukron Prasaja UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin
  • Arsa Arsa UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin
  • Hansen Rusliani UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin
  • Ambok Pangiuk UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin
  • Agustina Mutia UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin



the effect of relocation and length of business on the income level of market traders Angso Duo Jambi City quantitative multiple linear regression analysis. A sample of 87 traders. The results of the relocation research have a positive effect, a significance value of 0.000 < 0.005 is obtained and the tcount (3.866) > ttable (1.667). The length of business partially has no effect and is not significant on the income of the Angso Duo Market traders, Jambi City, obtained a significance value of 0.324 > 0.05, the value of tcount (0.993) < smaller than ttable (1.667). The overall results of the study indicate that the significance value is 0.000 <0.05 and the Fcount (8.541) > Ftable (3.105). It can be concluded that there is a significant effect between relocation and length of business simultaneously on the income of the Angso Duo Market traders in Jambi City. Based on the results of the F test, it can be seen that the significance value for the effect of relocation (X1) and length of business (X2) simultaneously on the income of traders (Y) is 0.000 < 0.005 and the value of Fcount > Ftable (8.541 > 3.105). that H0 is rejected, it means that there is a significant effect between relocation and the length of simultaneous business together on the income of the Jambi Angso Duo Market traders. The Adjusted R Square (R2) value of income is influenced by relocation and length of business by 16.9% and the remaining 85.1%.


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Jurnal dan Skripsi

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How to Cite

M.Firmansyah, Habriyanto Habriyanto, Ahmad Syukron Prasaja, Arsa Arsa, Hansen Rusliani, Ambok Pangiuk, & Agustina Mutia. (2023). Pengaruh Relokasi dan Lama Usaha Terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan Pedagang Pasar Angso Duo Kota Jambi. Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Ekonomi Dan Akuntansi, 3(1), 1–17.

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