Evaluasi Penggunaan Antibiotik Pasien Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) Pada Anak Di Instalasi Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit X Tahun 2021


  • Ary Nahdiyani Amalia STIKes Ibnu Sina Ajibarang
  • Adi Susanto STIKes Ibnu Sina Ajibarang
  • Alfi Umayah STIKes Ibnu Sina Ajibarang




Acute Respiratory Infections, Antibiotics, Children, Gyssens Method


Acute respiratory infections (ARIs) is an acute infection that attacks the nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs and epiglottis. Bacteria, viruses, and microbes are the causes of ARIs. ARIs patients have symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, dry throat, and nasal congestion. ARIs is a serious health problem in Indonesia. According to Riskesdas statistics for 2018, the prevalence of ARIs in children in Central Java was 12.9% based on a diagnosis made by medical personnel (doctors, nurses or midwives), while based on the diagnosis or symptoms reported by respondents it was 24.3%. out of a weighted total of 255,526. The use of antibiotics is necessary because of the high prevalence of ARIs in children. Doctors prescribe antibiotics as a treatment for bacterial diseases, including ARIs. Misuse of antibiotics can lead to the survival of resistant microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to identify the rationality of antibiotic use in pediatric ARIs patients at the X hospital. This research is a descriptive observational study using the rationality analysis of the Gyssens method, and collecting data retrospectively on the medical records of pediatric patients infected with ARIs. The results of the study showed that most of the ARIs patients were boys (67.6%). The most widely used antibiotic was Ceftriaxone with 35.1%, while the least antibiotic was Amoxicillin with 2.7%. Based on the Gyssens method, there were 37 data, 23 data (62.2%) used appropriate/rational antibiotics (category 0), 11 (category IIA) used inappropriate antibiotics (category IIA) 11 (29.7%), and 3 (8.1%) patient data used antibiotics too briefly (category IIIB). So it was concluded that in this study there were still inaccuracies in the dosage and administration of antibiotics that were too short.



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How to Cite

Ary Nahdiyani Amalia, Adi Susanto, & Alfi Umayah. (2023). Evaluasi Penggunaan Antibiotik Pasien Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) Pada Anak Di Instalasi Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit X Tahun 2021. Media Informasi Penelitian Kabupaten Semarang, 5(1), 59–79. https://doi.org/10.55606/sinov.v5i1.556